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Eggplant easily found, and the price was affordable. Eggplant can be eaten raw but can also be processed with seasonings. Recipes that we will create here is an Eggplant Balado. The ingredients to be provided are:
 4 pieces of eggplant purple, split into two parts
100 ml water
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon white sugar
Oil for frying

As for the flavor that is refined:
5 cloves garlic
5 red onions
10 pieces of red chili, seeded.
Let's look at how to make it:
Fry eggplant until cooked, set aside. Heat oil and saute the spice paste until fragrant, add water and stir until the remaining small amount of water. And set the eggplant on a serving dish, then flush with stir seasoning.
Good luck ....